Sunday, June 25, 2017

Ellie & Fitz at this moment in time

These 2 children of mine never cease to amaze and entertain me. They constantly have me laughing right now and I'm hoping I can remember some of their sweet moments to record as I sit here crunching ice and eating pretzel M&Ms (pregnancy!). Oh, and watching Felicity, again.

Ellie: This girl is a hoot. I love watching the way her mind works. A few nights ago my mom was here visiting and Ellie was shining a flashlight up her nose and stopped and said: "Mimi, why do you have spider webs up your nose?", referring to her nose hairs. Haha. Her favorite name is 'Lovely' and all of her stuffed animals, babies, future real babies, and her name while in princess persona. She's always planning or pretending something. Every morning when she wakes up she asks where we're going and who we're seeing. She's the biggest social butterfly and about dies on Sundays when she can't play with friends. Honestly, this breaks my heart a little because I'm not ready for her to need anyone else but me. A little selfish, huh? She loves saying our family prayers at night and she loves praying for the baby boy to make sure he's a boy, that Grandpa Lasater loves heaven, and that we say, "no no Satan, you can't come into our house today.". Her prayers are full of gold and I need to start voice recording her. One big difference between her and Fitz is their tidiness. Ellie is a tornado who loathes cleaning up after herself. Fitzy closes all the doors, puts away everything and wipes up his sisters spills. How do they even come like this!

Fitz: OK, so this boy had me worried for a little while. He was not, and still isn't, a huge talker. I had him evaluated at early intervention and while he was a little behind, it wasn't enough to qualify for services. This made me feel both good and bad. Good because he wasn't as far behind and bad because I felt completely guilty that I hadn't been putting the time in that I should have with him. He is such an easy going kid and Ellie is...well she demands more of my needless to say, he doesn't get as much of me as I should. The amazing thing is that once I started reading to him one on one every day his words went through the roof. He has about 40-50 words now, which is all he needs by the time he's 2 and he LOVES books. It's so fun to sit down with him and look through all the of the pictures. He's an observer. When we're outside he's always on the hunt for birds, bugs, cars, or planes (which he lovingly calls 'copters). When he sees one of these things, he stops, makes sure you stop, and points it out with the utmost excitement. He's still loving his pediasure and I'm not sure how I'll ever get him off of it. We actually call it his morning coffee because you don't speak or interact at all with Fitz until he's gotten his morning cup. He spends his time inside lining up his trucks on the arm rests of our couches and chairs. He makes different sounds for each of them and takes turns driving them around. He's such a boy and I love watching him.

Baby: I might as well throw in a few updates on this pregnancy while I'm at it. We're officially less than 100 days and I can't even believe it! He's making us a little nervous by measuring small, but we're getting another good look at him tomorrow to make sure everything is ok. I'm sure it will be. Around 10 p.m. every night he lets me know that he's there and kicks around like crazy. I'm starting to be able to feel him on the outside too and can't wait to let Ellie feel him. I'm pretty sure I'm set on a name, but Jeremy keeps throwing new ones to the list, so who knows what his name will end up being. Hopefully we can pin something down before he gets here.

They're all changing so quickly and I want to freeze time but I also want to get all of my babies here. Seeing them together is the things dreams are made of, seriously. I hope they always choose each other.

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