Monday, April 25, 2011

Weekend In Review

We had a fun and relaxing Easter weekend, exactly what the doctor ordered. We stayed over at Jeremy's mom's house Friday night so we could wake up and do an early morning easter egg/grocery hunt. We got lots of good stuff and Jeremy and I totally beat everyone out.

These were my favorite find of the morning, and you bet I ate two in a row. Then Jeremy, James, and Tori headed off to Lagoon before Tori started her first day on the job. Meanwhile Melinda, Lisa, and I vegged, chatted, and then went to hit up Ulta, Sephora, and Costco. I restocked on the BEST face moisturizer ever:

...and found some cute new nail polish {a color that is totally out of my norm, I'm more of a pink, red and MAYBE purple kind of girl, but it's fun and springy. It's called turquoise and caicos, and it makes my toes look adorable. Oh and if anyone knows how to pronounce the word, let me know.

On Sunday we went to our ward, sacrament meeting was exactly what we needed to hear and the music was beautiful. After church we went over to my mom's for Easter dinner and an easter egg hunt. We had all of the usual stuff; ham, potatoes, veggies, I was in heaven. My grandparents joined us too and brought delicious desserts; including a French apple cake that was divine. Since my in-laws hate baked apples like the plague it is a treat anytime someone in my family brings a baked-apple dessert. So thanks grandma! I'm totally nerdy, but as I've said before, I have a slight food obsession, so I couldn't help but document the goodness:

After dinner we cleaned up and my grandpa, Chase, and Jeremy went out to hide the eggs. My job was to distract Micah and Cale. Micah was quite occupied with playing his pokemon game from about 5 years ago, but Cale was a different story. We had to play the no smile game {who every smiles first loses}. I beasted Cale to say the least, but he did leave me with some good pictures. This is the best one: 

My mom and grandma were not into finding the eggs so it was just the 3 of us, and I didn't beast on the egg finding for sure. I'm pretty sure Cale won, but only because he stole 5 eggs from Micah. We were feeling pretty cool.

We got home exhausted and overslept this morning, but we have a feeling it's going to be a good week for us.We hope the same for you! 


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