Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Twinkie Diet

Sounds sick right? I have personally despised twinkies since I was in 5th grade, but a college professor in Kansas feels differently about them. He dropped 27 pounds in two months by just eating twinkies, Duncan Hines brownies, Cool Ranch Doritos, Little Debbie Snack cakes, and Corn Pops every day. You can read the article HERE for more details {there are some good ones!}

I don't in anyway condone this kind of diet, or any diet really for that matter, but it demonstrates the simple math of weight loss. If you eat less calories than you expend per day you will loose weight. Simple. It really is.

When I realized this I started by counting every calorie that I put in my mouth and tracking it online {sparkpeople.com is my favorite}. It was a good wake up call and I had no idea I was eating so many calories. Now that I'm more aware of the amount of calories in my staple foods I've stopped calorie counting. Now, I can listen to my body and know when to stop.

Math really does make life easier : )

1 comment:

  1. Look at you posting a little ad for Dulash. You must be hoping to win a giveaway. Okay, you won! Serious. Send me your address and I'll have it shipped to you.

    You're the best! Hey, and send me a guest post. We need some more Chelsea on "Or so she says..."!

