Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Fitz's Newborn Photos

Jeremy's cousin, Danielle, came up to our house when Fitz was 6 days old and took some photos for us. Family pictures always stress me out to the max, but since adding a cray cray 2 year old and a newborn to the mix, I was about in tear and sweating to death. To death. As expected, Ellie was a dream complete nightmare (love you Ellie!) and Fitz stayed awake 98% of the 3ish hours she was at our house. Ellie did the same thing. How?  Surprisingly enough, Danielle was able to get some really good shots. She got some darling ones of Ellie, but I'm saving those in my ode to Ellie post. They're darling.

J.rue and I loved looking through these together and I can't wait to print them off and scatter them about the house, probably in every single room. So without further ado...except just know that there are a million because I loved them all.