Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Inside Blues

My goodness I am bad at keeping up on this, and I want to catch up on the end of 2014?! I don't know what I'm thinking. I'm still plugging along though, determined to get those little things written and recorded.

This winter has been a funny one. We've had a little snow, a little rain, and a lot of warm days. Except then there's today where it looks like it could be warm, but then it's not really. At all. We've been loving this warm weather, especially Ellie. She begs to go outside the second she wakes up in the morning to push her little stroller.

However, there were probably a solid two or so weeks though where we were sick and then our friends were sick, so we were pretty home bound and I think both of us were about to loose it. Over those two weeks Ellie quickly became BFFs with Curious George and refers to him often, like every time she lays eyes on the ipad. I'm trying to stage an intervention and put her on a detox, but most of the time I just don't have the energy. We'll try harder once it gets warmer for real.

When she isn't binge watching George her second favorite thing to do it lay all of her "babies" on a blanket and wrap them and herself up, over and over and over again. She's very motherly with all of them. She's also taken up the piano, and she's REALLY good. She'll probably master Chopin by the time she's 3, easily :)

By the end of this two week period, I had a severe case of cabin fever, so we spent the afternoon perusing Barnes & Noble and Toys R Us. I'm proud to say that we didn't purchase a single thing. Ellie thought it was rude, but still managed to have a good time.

In Toys R Us she found a lovely large pink dog that she carried all over the store with her. She was plum tuckered by the end and was please to find a place to kick back, relax, and let her chin rest on her chest.

That little outing appeased me, but by the end of the weekend Ellie felt like the walls of our house were closing in on her and she took her frustrations out on a bottle on nail polish. I still don't know how she figured out how to open the bottle. She hasn't done it sense. But all of a sudden she came running to me with the open bottle and brush yelling "priddy!" It was all over her face, chins, neck, lips, and jammies (as you can see below), but it also made it onto our kitchen floor, dish washer, fridge, and carpet. I think we got it out of everything but the carpet. As you can see, she felt really sorry (I think). And she promised never to make another mess as long as she lives. That lasted for about 4 seconds I think.

Of course, you can only stay mad at that face for 4 seconds, so that worked to her advantage. I'm so grateful to have a healthy and active little girl. She's so fun, even when she's jumping off of our coffee table or dumping cheerios (by the box) out onto the couch. I wouldn't trade her. Not for a second.

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