Monday, March 11, 2013


If there's even anyone still out there...

Have you noticed that I've been extra horribly bad at blogging lately? Want to know why?

Because I've had absolutely nothing to write about. Really. How does someone really have not a single thing to write about? 

I could give you a riveting recap of my weekends, which are actually not so riveting. Just relaxing and comfortable...and also full of good food. But my instagram takes care of my culinary adventures.

I could also tell you that one time I went to the gym (maybe 2 times if I'm lucky) and recount all of the ridiculousness that I had witnessed there. There really is SO much ridiculousness.

Or I could tell you about all of the neat things that I really want to buy. But then I would be sad, because j.rue and I are seriously trying to cut back on our spending. When I say J.rue and I, I actually mean just I, because I'm pretty sure he spends an excess of about $3/month (give or take fifty cents) above the necessities. Why can't I find a less expensive hobby? Like yodeling.

I could also post gobs and gobs of pictures about my most favorite and cutest niece and all of the fun things I do with her mom, but that's what this blog is for.

So, what does that leave me with? Not a whole lot.



That I'm growing a fetus. And their birthday should be on or around October 6th.

And also please note that my fly was not gaping open in this picture. I haven't gotten the "picture posing for folks with wide hips" down nor has the "pregnancy glow" kicked in. Just the "pants don't fit well" thing.


  1. Oh my gosh!!!!!! I am so excited for you guys!!! Congratulations!!!

  2. Congrats Chelsea!!! I'm so thrilled for you guys!!

    1. Thank you! We're excited/nervous. I might have to hit you up for tips :)

  3. Yay yay yay!!! Congratulations! A mommy friend for me! :)

    1. I know! You were one of the first people I thought of when I was thinking of mommy friends! That means we'll have to hang out more than once a year!

  4. very cool! Congrats Chelsea. We can both be big fat and pregnant during the hot summer!

    1. Haha yes we will. Since our kids will be so close in age they'll have to become good friends!

  5. Congrats! You are going to be an awesome mom! I am excited for you!

  6. Congrats Chelsea!!! I'm so excited for you!!!!
