Monday, March 18, 2013


Folks, we have a baby, and it's moving and everything. Not that you needed proof, but I did. It was so fun to finally see something moving and kicking around in there. It's made all of the fatigue and nausea worth it, and j.rue and I are in love. We spent all of Thursday night taking turns telling each other that we're actually for real life going to have a baby. Still blows our mind at times.

J.rue has been the nicest. I haven't been the peachiest since the fatigue hit. And the mood swings, oh the mood swings. Sometimes I would randomly start crying because I would worry that something would go wrong or that I couldn't get up and go to work another day, and he just lets me cry. He also laughs when I break down in tears, but just to tell me that I am for sure still pregnant, and that he can attest to it.

I'm also going a little nuts because there's only really so much I can do to start getting ready for this new little person joining our family. October seems so far away sometimes, but other times, it seems way to close. I refuse to start buying things until we find out what we're having (with the exception of a few cute little things here and there of course) so, for right now I'm just worrying about the paint. Specifically, the walls and furniture.

As of this weekend, the furniture has been painted, and in the next couple of weeks, the walls (bleh). Melinda and I had a painting day Friday and spend the afternoon outside in the lovely weather, trying to avoid direct spray paint fumes. This:

Turned into this:

and this

Okay, so maybe only one of these items was contributing to baby preparation, BUT projects like these are so fun. Those pink stripey tables are going to be our outside summer tables. I'll be using mine to hold my delicious drinks and summer reads while I'm lounging in my hammock. Yes, I actually am for real getting a hammock this summer. It's picked out and everything.

Oh and our baby's waving to you from the womb. That's right, we have a baby with arms!


  1. you're such a good writer. it's ridic. let's get that circus room painted UP!

  2. I'm so excited for you Chels! A baby changes everything and all for the better! Can't wait to find out the gender! You will love being a mother. Are you planning on being a SAHMS? Congrats to you and your husband!

    1. Thank you! We can't wait to find out the gender either. I can't hardly stand it! We're going to give the SAHM a try, I'm sad to give up my job, but it will probably be for the best.

  3. Yay! Congrats Chelsea!!!! Wish I was still up at the U so that I could be there to see you and your bump ;) We'll have to do lunch one weekend! Christine

    1. Thank you! I would love to do lunch!! I miss my green Christine!
