Monday, April 23, 2012

Weekend Nerps...or is it Nerts?

The Nerps Sistas

We had a most fantastic weekend. I'm still sifting thru all of the pictures, and and aiming to get them posted tomorrow, but we'll see. Posting pictures causes me to work up a great amount of virtual sweat and we stayed up waaaaay past my granny bed time this weekend. I might just have to focus on the making up of lost sleep.

One major highlight of the weekend was a card game that Whitney introduced to Melinda and I. We got addicted after the first game and continued to play about 30 games over the next 24 hours to feed our inner nerts monster. Yes, the beloved games is "officially" called Nerts, but when while we played into the wee hours of the morning, we found that "nerps" was shouted much more often {at least when Melinda and I won.} Because really, who doesn't love saying the word nerps? Try it. I dare you.

This is us in all of our beautiful morning nerpy glory. We were just about to begin another cut-throat round and I'm pretty sure Melinda is getting her cards ready for her signature smack-down. 

If you've never played before you can read about the official rules here. When you first play you'll feel like molasses hands slow-motion eyes, especially when playing with someone who has played before. But, if you keep it up, you'll be yelling "nerps!" in no time. Promise. Oh, and it's much more fun if you don't keep score. Yelling nerps! is victory enough, in my humble opinion. ANNNND just in case you're a visual learner like yours truly, here is a visual of what your game will look like:

...except for the fact that your piles will NEVER look this neat and orderly. So, get over it.

Oh, and just in case you're wondering...Yes, I do know what "nerps" means. Doesn't that just make it all the more fun to say it out loud? I say yes sir, it surly does!