Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Rice Krispie Love Notes

Lately, Jeremy has been leaving me rice krispie treats around the house with little love notes on them. He found a box that has a space to write notes. It's been really sweet {no pun intended} and has made my days over the past couple of months.

This last Saturday I had the pleasure of taking the most beastly exam EVER...also know as the CHES exam. {please bless that I passed!}. When I left that morning I noticed Jeremy had put one at the top of my bag that said "You're gonna kill it, love you!" It made my early morning drive down to the U much more enjoyable.

He was extra sneaky though because little did I know that further down in my bag he put this one:

Later, he told me he put on further down in my bag in hopes that I would have a sweet treat after my exam. Well, it worked and I have the sweetest husband! 

Hope all of you had a great weekend! Doesn't like just feel more complete now that Cougar Town is back? I think so.

Side Note: Yes, Jeremy calls me buns, it's a long story and we try to avoid the said name in public. This was just too cute not to share though.


  1. so cute jeremy scott! and i LOVE those rice krispie treats!!!

  2. What a sweet husband. I would have been thrilled with just a treat but the little notes are so cute.
