Friday, June 2, 2017

Summer Shenanigans: May

May was good to us. Not too hot, not too cold. We started dipping our toes into summer with daily Popsicles after naps/quiet time. Sometimes Ellie would even talk me into girl club popsicles before Fitz woke up, so she got 2...and so did I. I love having that time with her where we just talk about everything. Hopefully I can figure out a way to keep girl club strong, I love talking to that girl. I've also loved watching Ellie and Fitz together. Fitz has learned the word "bite" and they have gotten very good at sharing their popsicles. 

I found these cute little camp chairs at Walmart for about $5 and they both LOVE them. They've also become very territorial of their own chairs.

I had to throw this one in there because it reminded me of the nursery rhyme, "There was a little girl, who had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good she was very good and when she was bad..." Well, you know the rest. It pretty much rings true. Gosh I love her.

It's also been the perfect weather for park hops. We've spent a few evenings at the park with Jeremy, Costco pizza in tow. It's been glorious.

Jeremy also makes sure to bring his remote control helicopter wherever he can and the kids are obsessed.

We've been hustling to complete a few house projects before the pool opens meaning we've had a copious amount of extra cardboard. Leave it to daddy to create something fun. Below, Ellie is a princess knight with a sword. Fitz takes the much more peaceful approach and made his an airplane (his current obsession).

Along with those fantastic camp chairs we also found a $10 pool and it's been the crown jewel of their day. The water is freezing still, but hey, I don't have to get in and I get to read poolside for hours.

Our Saturdays have been chuck full of yard work and while we've been dealing with that the kids have loved running around the yard, playing in the sandbox, and the like. Their favorite thing, however, has been finding snails. Ellie has deemed all of them her pets and have named them all Lovely. I can't even believe they are brave enough to hold them. Sadly, they ate almost all of my tiny flowers so they had to go. I almost feel bad...

At the end of the month we went with Heidi and her family up to Eden to swim at her parent's pool. The kids were dying to get into an actual pool and we spent hours there. Ellie got a good jump start on her delicious bum tan lines. We've also discovered that Hawaii must have had some lasting effect on Fitz because he does not enjoy getting into the all. Well, unless he's sitting on me, sitting on a pool float. We'll get there...

We spent the last day of the month celebrating Micah's birthday. We dined at PF Changs and ended the evening at Nielson's. We sure love this boy. I hate that he lives all the way in Logan now.

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