Saturday, January 28, 2017

Ellie Ellie Ballerina

Ellie started ballet at the beginning of September at Project Move in Centerville. I knew she needed something to do this fall, and was hoping ballet would do the trick. Turns out, I was right! She loves ballet and spends her days dancing through life and can't wait for Thursday mornings.

I stayed to watch her through the windows during her first few classes and I just have to say, she has the most patient and sweet dance teacher on the planet. Miss Melanie is one of Ellie's favorite people in the world. She has so much fun with the girls and gives them good cuddles when they need it. Ellie is also lucky enough to have a few of her little friends in her class as well.

I've loved having Ellie give me recaps of her dance classes every week and she loves showing Fitz a thing or two. I've loved finding cute little leotards for her and the ballet shoes just give me all the heart eyes. Ellie wears them most days of the week. Every week when we get her ready she very thoughtfully picks out her outfit and is very specific on the type of "ballet hair" that she wants. I honestly never thought I would be lucky enough to have a daughter so believe me when I say, I'm loving every single second of her ballet bliss.

In December, she had her very first recital. She practiced her dance for months and months and I think we have the song "Susie Snowflake" etched in our brains. The day she got her costume I could see the tingles of excitement run down her spine. We had dress rehearsal, upon dress rehearsal (in our living room) and on December 10th she finally got to make her debut. I was a little teary walking her in to Viewmont! She is getting so big. I asked her if she was nervous as we were walking in and she said, "yes! I don't want to fall and get a hole in my tights!". Silly girl. However, she was totally telling the truth. She walked on stage hand-in-hand with the other girls in her class and gave it her all. I don't think there's anything cuter than 3-year-olds dancing. It was heavenly. She had lots of family there to support her and her daddy even surprised her with roses.

We're so proud of you Ellie Bean! Keep dancin' your heart out little lady!

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