Thursday, March 8, 2012

Oldies but Goodies plus the "bod pod"

You know those movies that you always throw in when your down and out with a really nasty cold or flu? The ones that you've seen a million times, but could watch a million more? I didn't think that I had any, so this past bout of sickness, I thought I would take the advice of Natalie who blogs over at Nat The Fat Rat, and give You've Got Mail a try. Natalie is pretty much my blogging lady crush. If you don't read her blog, get your tushies over there and give her some love! Of course she was right, that movie is probably one of the best watch over and over again movies EVER, and I've recently coined the term "What would Kathleen Kelly do?" into my daily life and vocabulary. Thanks Natalie!

After some more deep thought and deliberation I have come up with a few more movies that could be coined as "sick-time movies" My picks would have to be:

The last one has to be my most favorite movie ever. I'll never tire of it.

What are your go to "sick-time movies"???

Well, I'm off to strip down to my skivvies and enter what they call the "bod pod." Which will apparently tell me my body fat percentage in a most accurate manner. It's to keep my insurance discount and nothing else. Pray for me my friends.


  1. love you've got mail. my personal sick movies are pride and prejudice (the newer one) and mean girls. good luck with the bod pod!

  2. I love You've Got Mail...and love Sleepless in Seatle. :)
